About Occupancy Reporting
What is an occupancy report?
An occupancy report is the monthly report tourism operators are required to submit to Tourism PEI, by the 10th of each month that the accommodation operation was open.
The report details how many nights the operator rented out their accommodation for the month and where the guests were from. It counts the nights sold, not the number of guests who stayed.
How do I submit it?
As a tourism accommodation operator, you can easily submit your reports using the Operator Self-Serve Portal.
What is the information used for?
Tourism PEI’s research division uses the data to report on the state of the Industry. Each month this data is compiled and available to view on the Accommodation Occupancy Dashboard.
This dashboard provides information to operators and other stakeholders on how many room nights sold by region. This is valuable business information as it allow operators to compare their own business to the average in the region. It also serves as an indicator of how the tourism sector is performing compared to other years.
The Tourism PEI Marketing Team uses guest origin data to inform marketing strategies and buys.
Why is it important to file my occupancy report by the 10th of each month?
It is important to file this information by the deadline so that Tourism PEI can compile and report timely and accurate numbers to the Accommodation Occupancy Dashboard.
What happens if I choose not to complete reports?
As outlined in the Tourism Industry Act, completing a monthly occupancy report is a condition of holding a tourism establishment license. Failure to do so could result in Tourism PEI refusing to renew your license and/or issuing a summary offence ticket.