Festival & Event Post-Event
Preparing for your next festival or event begins with wrapping up your current one. Consider the following details to better position your next festival or event for success.
Seek feedback from patrons, partners, entertainers and others
Getting feedback is key to providing you with unbiased information on what worked well and what could be improved. Evaluating your event model through the lens of partner and guest experiences, will help you to build on the positives and allow you to make adjustments to improve inadequacies. Seek feedback via a variety of channels such as written/electronic surveys, formal meetings with key stakeholders, informal conversations, social media, media reviews and more.
Evaluate your success metrics
Numbers don’t lie. Thoroughly review financial metrics and attendance. This is an opportunity to learn how to optimize revenue and expenses for future events. Presenting these metrics to potential funding partners and/or sponsors can also provide more comfort and certainty when they're evaluating their commitments.
Show appreciation to volunteers and partners
In the festival and events sector, demand often exceeds supply. Always show appreciation to those working with you throughout the planning and execution stages with thoughtful gestures such as a wrap-up celebration, appreciation gifts, thank you letters or any other token of appreciation you deem appropriate. As mentioned above, asking partners for feedback also shows that you value their input.
Complete and submit all required reports
If you received funding or support, or made obligations with partners through agreements and contracts, complete the required paperwork in a timely fashion to keep projects in good standing and well positioned for future success. Typically, there is significant competition for sponsorship and funding dollars.
Begin dialogue early for your next festival or event
There is often positive energy after a festival or event; take advantage of this momentum. If there are inadequacies to discuss, it is best to deal with them directly and early.

Contact Us
For help or questions on how to get your tourism-related event off the ground, contact Trent Birt, Tourism Activation Unit.
* This information is provided for general purposes only. The event organizer is responsible for satisfying all statutory and regulatory provisions and/or municipal bylaws having authority over the event or activity. Tourism PEI accepts no liability for the content or the consequences of any actions taken based on the information provided.