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Tourism PEI

Hi. If biking trails/roads and staying in B&B or similar accommodation what’s the best time to visit to avoid crowds? Thanks

Answer by:
Ruth Delong riding a bike

Hello Beverly,

It sounds like you may be interested in the Island Walk route. The best times for a journey are from mid-May to early June or September to late October. May is quiet but it can be cold. June is better - expect a few hot days. September is ideal. October has an added advantage - fall colours!

The Island Walk website provides further detail. If you are planning to visit this year, I strongly recommend planning ahead and starting to research accommodation options as the Island Walk is gaining a lot of attention. We expect to attract a lot of hikers and cyclists later in 2022.

I would also recommend joining the private Island Walk Facebook group that is comprised of many people who have done the walk before and others who are planning to. There is lots of great information there.

Have a great adventure!


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