Millman Road
Location: Irishtown
The Millman road was one of the first scenic heritage roads to be designated. A wonderful view of the surrounding countryside is provided from a high hill near the northern end. A variety of hardwood and softwood forms the border with branches reaching up and over to create a lovely canopy through which the sun dapples onto the red soil. In spring, sweet-scented apple blossoms create a profusion of bloom, attracting not only humans, but a variety of birds as well. In 1855, the Irishtown Anglican Church was erected. A nearby school and general store followed approximately 20 years later. These were the places upon which life outside the farm focused. Horse-drawn wagons and sleighs transported those in need of spiritual comfort, education or local "exchange" at the country store. Visions of children rambling along and of young lovers strolling come to mind. Location: North of Kensington, the Millman Road runs south from Rte. 101 in Irishtown for 2 km to meet with Rte. 234 in Burlington. Travelling from north to south provides a good vantage point.