Hackeney Road
Location: Woodstock
A pleasant rural lane where fields of grain and potatoes alternate with woodland to form the border, this patchwork of farm and forest creates ideal conditions for the ruffed grouse and grey partridge. Corn-lily, bracken fern and trillium are found under the tree cover. This road has two local names, the John Joe Road and the Hackeney Road. The former is after a man by the name of John Joe Gallant, a past resident of the road, the latter from a Mr. Hackeney who is believed to have been involved in its construction around 1912-14. Prior to this time the road was a cart track that led to a homestead in the wood. Traces of an old stagecoach road that stretched from the Kelly Road toward Alberton are found near the southern end. Location: Officially unnamed but locally known as the John Joe Road, this trail runs north from the Kelly Road (Rte 142) for 2.2 km to meet Rte. 136 near Mill River Resort.