County Line Road
Location: Caledonia
A drive through the County Line Road offers many vantage points for viewing the surrounding countryside. Mid way along the road is a small but lovely hardwood stand. This road has been designated as a scenic heritage road. In earlier years horse-drawn carriages transported passengers along this lane, at that time bordered by beautiful hardwood stands that arched overhead to form a delightful canopy. Although the area has changed little over the years, recent widening of the roadbed has resulted not only in a decrease in aesthetic appeal but a loss for the wildlife that once found refuge in the trees and surrounding vegetation. Perhaps, through time and proper management, this road will regain its former splendour. The County Line Road derives its name from the fact that it is on the boundary of the two counties, Kings and Queens. Location: The designated portion of this road (Rte. 325) begins at Caledonia at the intersection of Rte. 315 and runs north for 2.6 km until it intersects with Rte. 317.