County Line Road
Location: Darnley
Open farmland and mixed woodland lead the way over rolling landscape to a very high "magnetic" hill, the summit of which provides a spectacular view of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the north and rolling hills to the south. Erosion and yearly scraping have literally carved this road several feet into the landscape. Rumrunners, en route to Kensington, transported their "cargo" along this secluded trail risking the sharp incline of the hill. It is reported to be so steep at the base that a wagon driver with a full load of grain could touch the ears of his horses while sitting in his seat! The rugged hill provides a challenge to the traveller as well as wonderful vistas for sightseeing, while the woodland invites exploration on foot. Location: In the Darnley-Seaview area, this road runs south for 4.5 km from Rte. 103 to Rte. 101 near Irishtown, along the border of Prince and Queens Counties. Note: this road begins and ends on short paved sections.