Where would you recommend to go for some of the best seafood meals (lobster rolls and fish) and the best french fry trucks?

HI there;
Thank you for your inquiry to Ask an Islander.
Lobster rolls are a classic summertime meal for locals and visitors alike. In fact, a local campaign, PEI Lobster Love, pitted 35 restaurants against one another vying for the title of most loved for the past two years.
PEI Lobster Love Winners
- LOBSTER IN THE BUFF from the Water Prince Corner Shop in Charlottetown claimed PEI Lobster Love's Most Loved Lobster Roll in 2021, and
- THE CLASSIC SWEET & SALTY from the Lobster Barn in Victoria by the Sea earned the title during the inaugural year of 2020.
Of course, both restaurants continue to offer these winning lobster rolls.
For a few other ideas, check out this blog post for the Five Must-Try Lobster Rolls.
Big-size French fries
Prince Edward Island potato producers grow some of the best potatoes in the world so it makes sense to search out the best French fries while vacationing here.
You'll find my favourite fries in the North Cape Coastal Drive region of the Island. Don't look for a food truck but rather the giant potato at the Canadian Potato Museum in O'Leary. You can order fresh cut PEI fries to go from the PEI Potato Country Kitchen (see photo below).
I love that the fries are served with large packets of Heinz ketchup as a nod to Stompin' Tom's "Ketchup Song" which you must look up if you haven't heard it.
Big size french fries how they love tomatoes, so dress them up with Heinz ketchup. Ketchup loves potatoes, Ketchup loves potatoes.
In Charlottetown, the best fries can be found in two places:
- Ken's Island Fries. His food truck has been located out front of the Canadian Tire on Babineau Ave for eons.
- At the bottom of Great Geroge Street, you'll want to meet Caron, Queen of Fries, at the Chip Shack and try her hand-cut fries.
I hope you'll agree with my recommendations. Enjoy your culinary journey across Canada's Food Island.
Verna Lynne
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