What is the best way to travel from PEI to Nova Scotia? How many days of stay required to to feel PEI?

Hi Jayasree,
Greetings from Prince Edward Island! I’m happy to know you’re headed our way.
I see you live in Dartmouth – if you’re coming directly from Nova Scotia, the easiest way to get to PEI is via Northumberland Ferries (reservations strongly recommended). Travelling to PEI via the ferry is the quintessential Island experience.This vantage point is also perfect to explore our Points East Coastal Drive.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to leave the way you came. For example, you can take the ferry to PEI and leave via the Confederation Bridge (which will take you to New Brunswick). At more than 12 km long, it’s the longest bridge over ice-covered water in the world. The thrill of driving across the bridge never gets old, even for those of us who’ve done it countless times!
You won’t have to pay to come to PEI via the ferry or the bridge, but you will have to pay to leave. Both of these journeys – the ferry and the bridge – will be memorable, and are very much a manifestation of what Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “It's not the destination, it's the journey”.
As for the length of time you need to will need to truly experience the Island, I suggest at least three or four days, longer if possible. This will give you one day to experience each of three regions, of your choice. The good news is that if you live in Nova Scotia, you can come back again and again!
I hope this information is helpful. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Enjoy your PEI holiday!
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