Planning a bicycle tour in August for 10 days with five days in west & east and riding 50-65 km per day . Pls recommend town/villages as base locations, weekly rentals and circular itineraries.

Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your question. We are happy to hear you are planning a 10-day stay with us in August.
I would suggest perhaps focusing on the Island Walk route as a guide as it is a scenic route for walkers and bikers and it goes around the Island and is mostly coastal. Their website has an itinerary and will break down each section to show what you will find along the way.
A few suggestion towns or villages with accommodations would be:
Tignish Heritage Inn 1-877-882-2491
Kildare Lodge 902-206-4920
Briarwood Inn and Cottages 1-888-272-2246
La Petite France B&B 1-902-853-3975
Northport Pier Inn 1-844-243-1553
Mill River
Mill River Resort 1-844-375-3555
Prince County Tourist Home 1-888-220-4059
Cairns Motel 1-877-224-7676
Clarks Sunny Isle Motel 1-877-682-6824
Loyalist Lakeview Resort 1-800-361-2668
Quality Inn 1-902-436-2295
Victoria Inn and Suites 1-902-836-3010
Home Place Inn 1-902-836-5686
Bryanton’s B&B 1-888-836-3452
Penderosa Beach Cottages [email protected]
Hunter River
Hunter River Heritage Classic B&B 1-902-621-0930
Chestnut Lane B & B 1-902-964-2007
Beside the Trail B&B 1-902-367-4121
UPEI Residence 1-877-734-7327
Rodd Royalty 1-902-894-8566
Comfort Inn 1-902-566-4424
Charlottetown Inn and Conference Centre 1-855-937-8734
Canadas Best Value Inn and Suites 1-902-892-2481
Banbridge Inn 1-800-355-2223
Grand Tracadie
John B’s Oceanfront Cottages 1-877-358-3004
St Peter's Bay
Gateway to Greenwich Suites 1-902-316-0398
Points East Coastal Inn 1-866-961-3004
Shanty Stay Accommodations 1-902-215-8503
Lighthouse & Beach Motel 1-800-689-2339
North Lake
Siren’s Beach Motel 1-902-357-2228
I hope these suggestions are helpful to you and that you enjoy your time on PEI.
Kelly Richard
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