I would like to take my grandson to a farm to see some cows, etc. Any recommendations? Do any farms give tours?
Hi Christine,
That’s a great question. Farming is the number one industry on PEI, and we have many farms who have cows and other animals. Most of our farms are working farms and aren’t set up to do proper tours (although it's something we are working on improving!). There are a few great options below that I hope help you:
There is a farm in Hampshire (about 15 mins east of Charlottetown) called Island Hill Farms that is very well known on PEI to host many people. It’s open six days a week, and they encourage you to pack a picnic and stay a while! All of their information is on their Facebook page.
There is another location in Birch Hill called Green Gables Alpacas, which is near Tyne Valley, who have a fully working alpaca farm that people can visit and tour around.
I am not sure when you are visiting, but if you are on PEI this coming weekend, please look into attending Breakfast on the Farm, which is taking place on the Crasdale Dairy Farm in South Rustico. It is open to the public, and an awesome way to get to know the farming industry on PEI while having a meal and a tour of a very technologically advanced dairy farm!
Finally, I would also suggest one of the numbers of exhibitions taking place on PEI this August. The biggest one (and largest cattle show, petting zoo and much more!) is Old Home Week in Charlottetown. It’s a full 10 days of everything livestock, horse racing, and agriculture. There is another exhibition in Abram's Village, which is west of Summerside over Labour Day weekend, and while it’s a smaller version of Old Home Week, it has all of the same events!
I know you will definitely see a lot of cows and livestock just by driving around PEI….we have pastures, farms and livestock all over. I hope this helps you and that you are able to make it to one of our farms.
All the best and safe travels.
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