Beach Reports & Beach Safety
When planning a trip to the beach, pay attention to surf conditions and eroding cliffs.
Lifeguard Service
Lifeguard service is no longer available this season at provincial park beaches.
National Park Beach Safety
Surfguards are on duty at PEI National Park locations between July and Labour Day. They aim to post surf conditions each day by 11 am.
Swimming and Beach Activities
Learn more about beach accessibility, water safety, summer schedule and more at the PEI National Park
Beach Safety
Swimming in the ocean is very different from swimming in a pool or lake. The strength and force of even small ocean waves can surprise beach goers who are unfamiliar with the power of the sea.
Rip Currents
Rip currents are powerful and can pull even strong swimmers away from shore and into trouble. If you find yourself caught in a rip current, follow this advice:
Break the Grip of the Rip
- Remain calm.
- Do not try to fight the current by attempting to swim back to shore against it; it is too strong.
- Only swim parallel to the shore to escape the current.
- Once you are out of the current, only then swim toward the beach.
- If you can’t escape, float or tread water.
- If you need help, call or wave.

Water Safety
To fully enjoy your beach experience, follow these tips:
- Always swim in supervised beach areas.
- Ensure children are supervised at all times.
- Never swim alone. Always swim with a buddy and watch out for each other.
- Do not consume alcohol or drugs before or while swimming as this may impair your abilities and judgement.
- Use of floatable devices is not encouraged due to strong offshore winds.
- Weak swimmers and young children should wear a life jacket or personal flotation device (PFD) that is the proper size at all times.

The cliffs of Prince Edward Island are made of soft red sandstone that crumbles easily when struck by waves during the spring thaw. Our shoreline is eroding at an average rate of one meter per year. As a result, cliffs get cut back, creating real danger to individuals above and below the cliffs. Climbing on cliffs is dangerous. Use caution. Don't get too close to the edge!