Discover Anne's Land
"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world."
- L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
When Anne of Green Gables was published in 1908, most people could only dream of visiting its magical setting. Since then, millions of fans have travelled to Prince Edward Island to discover the place that inspired Lucy Maud Montgomery’s stories and characters.
Anne of Green Gables Itinerary
Spend your days immersed in the land that inspired L.M. Montgomery and discover the very best Anne of Green Gables museums, attractions and experiences.
L.M. Montgomery
Montgomery’s writing has had an incredible impact on Canada’s smallest province because she completely captures the charm and serenity that makes this Island such a special place to visitors year after year.
Anne of Green Gables Facts
Did you know that since becoming a children’s classic, Anne of Green Gables has been translated into at least 37 languages?
Anne of Green Gables Experience Providers
Anne & Gilbert, The Musical
Hit musical about Anne of Green Gables in love.
Site of Lucy Maud Montgomery's Cavendish Home (Macneill homestead)
Operated by the Macneill family, descendants of L.M. Montgomery. Read the plaques, enjoy the...
Avonlea Village
Best place to eat on PEI! Piatto Pizzeria, La Rose Bistro, Samuel's Coffee House, Boom Burger, MOO...
Anne of Green Gables Store
Located in the heart of downtown Charlottetown, we offer a wide selection of all things “Anne” and...
Green Gables Heritage Place
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM daily Walk in the footsteps of one of Canada's most celebrated authors and...
Lucy Maud Montgomery Lower Bedeque School
Open Fridays 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM before June 22. Visit a restored and fully furnished 19th-century...
Lucy Maud Montgomery Birthplace
Lucy Maud Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables, was born in 1874 in this modest white and...
Matthew's Carriage Rides
Enjoy a peaceful carriage ride by the Lake of Shining Waters. With "Matthew" as your guide and...
Painting Montgomery's Island
Create daring seascapes & landscapes with only the three colours (ruby, emerald & sapphire) that L.M...
Anne of Green Gables Chocolates
Anne’s playful and precocious personality has inspired many products at ANNE Chocolates. Our...
Anne of Green Gables Museum
The Anne of Green Gables Museum at the beautiful Campbell Homestead, is a museum dedicated to the...
Bideford Parsonage Museum – LM Montgomery Window into Island Life
Bideford Parsonage Museum is a hidden gem and must-visit destination for LM Montgomery enthusiasts...
Book Your Tickets Today!
Anne and Gilbert - The Musical
Anne & Gilbert - the Musical is performed in Charlottetown at the Florence Simmons Performance Hall.
Anne of Green Gables—The Musical™
The story of Anne is an integral part of Prince Edward Island culture and a fundamental part of the history of the Confederation Centre of the Arts. The musical will play on the main stage of the Charlottetown Festival again in 2026.
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Festivals & Events
PEI Parks
Enjoy our national, provincial and community parks for picnicking, swimming, hiking, beach strolling or forest bathing. Most day-use parks have playgrounds and some include campgrounds.